The Barber Shop for Task Group 7.4 personnel opened on 1 March in
Building 93 with one airman assigned ag barber.
and strictly on an appointment basis.
Eniwetok Post Exchange.

He was to cut hair only,

His tools were obtained from the

On the same date, this section compiled a roster

of all personnel in Headquarters, Task Group 7.4, for use in evacuation
in case of radioactive fall-out.

On 5 March the Director of Personnel received a TWX from AFSWC stat-

ing that L' ~


Task Group 7.4 Provisional (Rear)

Commander, would be assigned to NATO, USAFE, on 25 April 1954,


was to designate another officer at Kirtland as commander of the rear

echelon in the near future.
Group that M

On 23 March AFSWC notified the Air Task


‘ would assume command of the Rear Head-

quarters, as an additional duty, upon the departure of L* ~ ~


Instructions were received on 5 March from AFSWC to reassign Captain

Test Support Unit, to the 490lst Support Wing (4),
Kirtland AFB, New Mexico.


was in the ZI on emergency

leave at that time,
A new section was added to the proposed interim T/D of the 4930th on
8 March, at the request of the Director of Materiel and the concurrence of
the Deputy Commander.

Five airman spaces were to be added in the Roads

and Grounds Section of the 4932nd Test Support Squadron.

This new section

was established due to the heavy equipment on hand, contemplated usage, and
required maintenance during the interim period.

A TWX was sent to AFSWC



Select target paragraph3