



Out here in the riddle cf the Pacific, how do they obtain the infor-

nation on which to beso thoir fcrcenasts?

Of ccurse thoy obtain Jnte fren all cstablisho! Pacific stations such

as Tokyo, Hawaii, Guan, Woko, Kwajaloin, and so on.

In aicition, our

Voather Reperting Elenent has tears of twenty ron teking radjiosondo

observations at cach of fcur ctclls surreuncing tho Eniwetok-Bi'cini

orca. To supplenent this information, cight B-29 airereft, specially
rodifiod to gether weather inforreticn are dispatched three per cay
flying ten to twelvo heur rissions in the areas of “oubtful woathcr.


_ I presume that you have scon several atcuiie dctenations.
Have you “ained any major izpression from these observations?
Definitcly so. Tho iajor impressicn snycno receives who sees cn actucl
Yetcnation of one of these ‘cviccs which cre known to the rcublic cs
"hylrcaen bombs" is cf its stupendous nower. It is en inpression which

one cannot zein from picturcs, Ciagrans cr uovics. It is sirply not
possible to compare ther: te tho shcts in Novrda. Naturally, if wo are
te suard against attack ‘yy any pessible cnemy, wo uust have the know

how to construct end Acliver these forrful “cviccs, but having scon
one detcnated, ono irmodictecly hopes: tact they may never be use? acainst
This brings to nind our own FCDA. Wo must presume that cther nations
have those devices cand might uso then avcinst us. De ycu focl that
cur civil defense ncasures cre c/lequate?
Wo havo only made a bezinning in civil -cfense.

My father, o retired

frny officer, has respcnsibilitics in connceticn with the Civil Dofonso of Washington, D. C. During a visit he vaid we several rionths
ago, I was appailel at his lack of specific knowleizo of the powcr

and effects even cf cur smaller atonic bombs. Undoubtedly, for socurity reasons, we cannot tcll ¢-ll of the public everything we would

Lliks to regarding pretecticn fren atenic attack.

It would sca, how-

ever, that tho least we ezn do weul? be to cducate fully those invo)]ved
in Civil Defense planning se that their plans may give the »uclie ubko
‘roatest pessible measure of pretecticn,


TAS NO 23{ 2



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