
The aircraft used are C~54's, RB-36's anc B-50's,

The C-54's havo

a benk of caneras leeated at tho cargo cntrance ani fron altituics

6f round 10,000' and a diatance cf about 80 miles, take ball fire

am! cloud rise and growth photepraphy. The RB-36 is taking photovraphy
fren about 60 riles at 40,000! for a stucy of cloud phenonenclozy.
Tho B-50 circraft are taking ralar scope pictures at 15 to 30 niles
at 30,000! for study of indirect bomb ‘amare assessment and bese

surgecharacteristics, The inforration thus obtained is added to
thet photography performed on the ground,


I nct tho impression fren what you have said that quite a number cf
oireraft ore airberno at shot time. How 2c you knew that all of
thoi: are where you want thon at shot tinc?

Throughout cach shot operation, we cperate apprexinately 40 circroaft.
Since the shots ere fired in darkness, obviously we must control cach

of then carefully. For this purvose, wo operete two radar control
centers, one on lan? at Eniwctok and one aboard a Navy ship at Bikini,

och aircraft is breught from Eniwctck to Bikini, is positioned there
in his assigned position and is then scent back to Eniwctck umier continucus radar surveillance. Threughcut this process, all airereft are
in constant redie ccrmmnicntion with the ecntrcl centers ond threuzh

this ccrmunicaticn link roccive their instructions.


You tenticned that ycu are responsible for inter an? intra atoll girlift. Are any of these airereft flyinz at shot tinc?
= PS .


No, These are, in the main, helicopters anc smell liaison type caireraft which are used to transport scicntists and construction workers
from the carps tc the shot sitcs ami nocsurencnt stetions an? C-47
circraft transporting these sone neople between Eniwetck cond Bilini.

Their job is completed the day hefcre the shot an! berins asain theo

acy cfter the shct when we begin collccting scicntific ‘ata from the
mecsurenent stations cnji initiate work cn the next shct.
It would seorn to ue thet weather information would te important in one
of these cperctions, Is this sc?
Yes, weather is all important. It has becere perhaps the sreatcst
sinele factor in the operation. It affects the cbility cf the

scicntists te collect data, our ability to teke photecraphs and to
ecllcct sauples and, abcve cll, it rctcrmincs where the arcas cf

ralicactive foll cut will be. To insure the ccrrectncss of their
fcreeast for shot tine, our weathcr people have a tre::cnicus res; onsiility.

TAB ND 2 (5).

Select target paragraph3