As indicated in the Security protion of the February history, the
need for coordinated arrangements on a firm policy and procedure to be
followed for inclusion (on a need-to-know basis) of certain Task Group

7.4 Project Participants in the Official Observer briefing and tour program, was accomplished on 8 March by


The above named officers contacted ‘, Deputy for Air, JTF SEVEN, Dr. i

. Deputy for Scicn-.

tific Matters, JTF SEVEN, and

, Task Group 7.4, who

concurred in an established vrocedure to be followed on subsequent shots
for specific Project Participants to be included in the briefing and

tour of JTF SEVEN Offi cial Observers.
In answer to an earlier JTF SEVEN request,a TWX was sent to that

Headquarters on 15 March stating that Headquarters, Task Group7.4, did
not anticipate submitting any "Q" clearance requests between 1 April

and 30 September 1954.
4 Report of Investigation was received from AFSWC on 16 March which
had not been transmitted in accorda::ce with AFR 205-6, peregraph 16, in
that it was available for perusal by personnel not authorized in the vited

AFSWC was notified of this violation and asked to take action

to avoid recurrence of this incident.
As a member of the Task Group 7.4 administrative inspectioa tean,
attended a meeting in the Conference Room on 13 March, to

review the points to be checked on forthcoming inspection of the Test
Services Unit.

ee eee re sD SOE NEO «


Memo for the Record fr


Ltr to AFSWC, 18 Mar 54, "Violation of AFR's 205-1 & 20%..$, TS 4768,



Cn the following day, the cdministrative scourity
17 Mar 34, "F2oj Part,"

TWX fr JTF SEVEN, DTG 1216552, Uncl.
TWX to JTF SEVEN, cite TGS 3-179, Uncl.


Select target paragraph3