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Letier to ~

eo.24 March 1954

minutes, whichever was sooner.

Thcy could then be free to turn to any

position. Tho individual on the radar scope controlling these aircraft
turned them to a tail aspect one minute prior to H-hour and of course

they had to hold this position until the shock wave had passod.


sequently, thoy didn't get to sce mich. You can rest assured that
action has been taken to prevent recurrence of this wnfortunats crror.
We havo had very fow personnel problems since arrival in the

forward arca.

Howcver, in the fow cases that havo occurred requiring

immediate action,
has fulfilled our requircments very
expeditiously, Wo are continually survcying the Group to detirminc if
any overages cxist.

It is still my policy to return to the Z, I. indi-

vidual or individucls who arc no longer roquircd. It would be a great
help to have
out here now to assist us in complcting our
studics and recommendations on the pcrmanent Air Task Group and the
Intcrim Force, A TWX was scnt to you on this.
ds of this datc we are awaiting favorable weather conditions for
ROMEO, It was originally scncdulcd for 11 March, but was cnangcd to 13

March imicdiatcly subsequent to BRAVO duc to contamination of ontire
Bikini Atoll. Since that timc it has been delayed daily duc to winds

aloft. Wo have been having a period of unfavorable winds which will not
permit a detonation due to the fall-out problem. It was most unfortunate
that MIKE failed to contaminate Eniwctok completely, Had it done so,

proper plans would have beon made for CiSTLE, As it is, one gcts the
impression that all hands have been rather astounded by widsspread

areca, of intcnse contamination.

The continuing delay has at lcast sotton

everyone stirred up. If we wait for the idcal winds desired wo will nava
to wait for a typhoon and fire on thc back side of it. Scciss to me ony
onc typhoon comes by cvery four ycars, so this may be a long TDY, Con~
sequently, investigations arc now underway to detcrim.ne woys and means
to fire the remaining dcviccs at Eniwctok, on barges in tie open occan,
or in any other manncr than that originally planned.
This would be a most interesting neriod for vou to observe.


you can come out for ten days or so around the firs’, *thozgh you acy 2h
see a shot,

Warmest personal regards to you and ‘lice.


TAB HO. 19




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