r Dies mye


ul ACI

MATERIAL Monaic rox:

Letter te

23 viarch 1954

ittachod as Inclesure #1, herctc, is c sche‘lule which expresses
cn a ‘lay-te-day basis our activitics in deecntcination, uaintenoncc,

test hops, end other proparaticn fcr a shot cn « seven (7) aay sche ‘ule.

Usins the oreeccure iicntioned abeve after the next shot, we will be able
to advise you as to tho closencss with which wo have been able to moct

this tentative work schedule. Plocse ncto that this scheuio is based
on having only the B-36 Samplers ecntanincted. Hirsh contarinaticn of

the B-36 Contrel aircraft, as cccurred on BRAVO “ay, will cripple us

In tho event thet it is ycur desire to fire any shot cn a sche“ulo

of less than seven days following the previous shot, this will not nccn
that we will not be able to perticipate, rathor, it will resn that wo

will not be able to participate with 100 percent cf critical airer-ft.

For exarplo, on a five Jay sche*ule we could previte cne B36 Sarpler
on one shct, two the next, ono the next, two the noxt, cte. In F-84's,

we coulc prebably provide cizht tc ton cn ca five “ny schedule an} ton to
twelve on a six dzy sche-ule,.
Certain actions couls be taken by your Headquarters which would
iuprevo our cxpebility in this connecticn. These are as follews:


Elininate the requironent for the NB-?A tc take crater


Permit an increase in ellowsblo raticticn dos-re fer B-36


Elininate the participation of the B-36 Effoots atrrat)

phetozrephy. (It is the cpinicn of
wwe that the 03-36 was
conteztinated en BRAVO doy by flying throuch on areca of frll-out while
takin; the crater photomraphs.)
waintenanee persennel boyon?! the 3.9 R tctal, upen request.
on all but the most vital shets.

(This would nct only ‘ecrease my inin-

tenance workloa? between shots, but woul? clso moke availeble an a¥litiona

maintenance teaa to ready the B-36 Samplers on} Ccntrol cirerert fer vac

next shot.)

In the ovent cf a five cr six dey schedule, cutherize, if


Provite TG 7.4 with any dceentainntion units currcntly in

necessary, the participation of ene (1) B36 Sampler cn cne shot, two tne
next, onc the noxt, cte,
the-custery of Task Group's 7.1, 7,2, oni 7.5 which mre abeve an? beyond
their requirciucnts,.

TG NO. 3032769

oy See

Select target paragraph3