over. tbe cirrus, rather than clinbin> threuch the clew. Jeck, they micht
heave assisto? in finding a faverablo position carlicr oftor shet tino,
. 4

The pheto iission ji2 net interfcro with the control iission.
The tirections to the sampling: pilots wero preperly givo and

skillfully executed. It woulbe preferred if Airections could be civen
prinerrily with reference to rivht cr loft of the clouds! ccnsolidate?d
center orca as secn fren the RB-36's position, Generel vectors risht be
used to help clarify thcso Cireeticns with the understanjin; that such

vectcrs have ccnsiderable crror,.


The internal enviroment on the RB-36 was suitable with tho

excoption of frcnt on the winécws to the ror cf the co-pilot's position.
This comiition ccused ie to try te leok arcun® the co-pilot, an‘ action
which wes hazardeus to the opcratien of the cirersft. It is roqucste?

that the windows on the co-pilot's sice cn the RB-36, os woll as cn beth
sides of F'~36 No. 1053, te fitted with the double wintow arrangonont
presently uscd on the A-C's sice of the RB+36, This arrangorncnt was
extremely cffcctive in preventing frest forration,


The traininc of the pilots in ree sefoty on) renitrring


The special cor:runications facilitics furnished in the nB-36


With no intent to carp -t an cxcollent result, I weuld like

procedures was in rencrol adequate to accornplish the mission. Only cno
pilot read the radiation rete instmionts in his cirercft with 2 tecirel
point errcr, ani only one feiled to cperate his sas sampling cquipncenta ~
were excclicnt,

to suzvost that TG 7.4 ricsht have ceconplished scene of the minor recuire-

nents such es special cor: :unicctions, Jcfrostin: fittine:, cte., befcre
noving to the forward arca. Delayed instecllation in this ccse save
neither ccrmunications nor visibility capebility in the Dry Run of 1.0

Februcry 1954. Visibility capability was not osteblishod until 2 nc lifieation was nade cn 28 February for a linrch 1 shot date — with no ch-nco

for flirht test. Fertunctcly, this nolification was vory successfu: in
clininating frost. Such delays cause haress::ont with “ctails in a voriot
when tine for ther: cannot well be spcered.


i. Itwas perhaps o ccficioney on ry part thet the UB.29 ro nine?
unler Boundary TARE's (crc) contrel so len- -fter zore tinCa It hed beon
intended to have Wilson I core unter cur ecntrel c
‘cut H’25 ninutcs
fer whet essenticlly wos to be a iissicn ef crorbuntsy _ &vpercntiy, I
hat net conveyet this losire offoctively. Beun tary Tare’s Jirecticn te
tho \iB-29 were proper unter the ecnlitions en’ this cirer.ft porferce? its
‘ission succossfully,


TG NO, 3.30052)|

TAB NO. 6(>)


Select target paragraph3