

.t H plus 6 hours it eon be anticineted thet peak intonsitics

in the cloud will be cpproximetcly 4r, plus o:mimis 3r,

Intonsitics aro

such that with a reasonable total radiation cxnosurc, it will be nossible
| to spend the maximm cnount of tine in the cloud,

Since the anoint of

scmple collected is directly related to radiation exposures received in
the cloud, the s-umle size required by an EAGER BEAVER unit would dctcrmine the personnel cxposurcs required for the mission.

hes sot on allowmblo cxposure of

Over orgcnizction

for all person:cl in the Task Force

other then specicl missions in which sampling is included.

We are plancing

to cxpose out pilots to lar during the cntire onerniion cud hope to utilize
tuen for three to four cleud scmpling nisrions.

Tho sapling pilots who

are permanently ascigned to our sampling orgenization, who will be cxpected
to fly in future atomic tests, wa will cttcmpt to linit to

Uc have been allowed a naximm omosure of

It has beon suggested that a

Tor this
for the sampling

exposure per scrpling nisdon

reveived during the H plus 5 to 7 hour period will oreduce 2 very
sccrsle if the sanmling device is of reasonable dcgree in cfficicncy,.


In adciticn to the in-cloud omosu.cs, “AGM BEAVER aircreft

aive the provlem of e:sosurs on the return flight to Kimjoaloin cus to the external contrmincstion of the airercft.

Since ve have nce no comeuricnce

at oll with your aircraft, vo made the assumption thet tac retian oncsu.c
should amount to 50% of the in--clcud cx-osure, so tnat if

is abserhd

in the Gloud, lr will be cbsorbdcd of. ths rotuen Gril fom + Gas oI
for this ontire mission,

The 50% Pigure will be a aiucts cmmporvacive

and will cortainly descend on the clecrliness of your airercrs at tac vie



TB HO. 2




Select target paragraph3