


CASSIDY will give EAGER BEAVER aircraft the best dircctions

on arcas and altitudes to sample that are available to him.


‘dircetions will, of necessity, be in genoral torms beecuse at this late
time therois practically no probability of there being an o-vortunity
for point sompling, as the relatively small points contcining highly
radioactive material will havo clro-dy dispersed.

CiSSIDY TiO will attem

to give O..GER BELVER cirersft on altitude range, such as 40 = 50,000 foct

or 40 - 55,000 foct, in which material is thought to still oxist.


arrival in this sugcestcd areca, it is recommended th-t EGER BILVER cir-

ereft follow rediac instrumont indic~tions.

‘hen instrumcnts zive incdic-tions that the cirersft is in

a satisfactory radioactive crea, it is recom .cnded thet the airercft_
esteblish on ovel or orbit pattern, flying tock through the s.me position
fron differcnt angles.

This could be done, for instenco, by making timed

There is sonc possibility thot visuslly the cirereft may be ablo

to dctcch = radionctive crea,

This would be indicated by 2 browmish

colorcd area iithin the white vepor-Hike cloud,

Jt this period of tine,

the ares best for semling should be below and up—wind of this brovmisn

colored sree,

In the time period of H plus 5 to H plus 6 hours, s-smpling

becones c hunt and seck proposition,

‘ith the yenerel arca outlincd, it

is up to the pilot to visually seck creas that look promising,

This pro-

ecdrre snoule be followee until the radiation dosaze is Duilt up to that
vhich-will orevide an adcquate somple,.


Select target paragraph3