
determine if it was feasible to ready the cmergency landing strip for

the F-d4's,

It was found that a total of 3,000 fect was usable, although

the first_1,500 fect was in good shane and the ncxt 1,500 foct in only
fair condition.

Aproximetcly three days grading and compacting was

r quired for the additionel 1,100 fect necessary to nake the total
length of the strin 4,100 fect,

The rcequircment vas established and

Task Grouv 7.5 informed on 24 iarch it was belicved this strip would

be ready for emergency use (only) in carly April.
On 30 larch, preparations were being mado to start the removal of
the old scaling compound on the decontenination pac so the new poly
styrene scal could be sprayed on,

It was necessary thet this work be

done between the decontamination of aircraft,

The old camound is”

not making a permancnt scal.




The insta’lation of the tumbler tync photo wasner in the vhoto

lab was comolcted on 31 larch.





Select target paragraph3