


the armature to Hawaii for rewinding and renair,

A 60 KW gonerator was

noved into building 90 G to provide thc ncccs:ary emergency nower until
the armature was returned and the 100 KW generator repaircd.
An cmergeney rceuvircnent was cstablished on 18 iiarch, for « safcty

static cable, 40 fect high, suspended between two tclehone poles
ar-roxinatcly 260 fect apart, with the cable between nositioned so that

it was dircetly over the wing, lengthwise of a B~36 aircraft, perked on
wc decontamination pad,

Scparate lines attached on one cnd to tac static

ecble and the other to decontamination personnel washing the aircrart,
prevented anyone from foal‘ing from the sli-~ cry wings woen wet.


installction, including red obstruction lights anc arca flood lights

on the telephone poles, was completed on 20 ilarch,
An cnergenecy rcequcst was placed on

--, , on 20 harch,

to repeir scveral holes in the southvcst parking apron viaich was caused

bir a C-97 taxiing into position,

The propellers suckcd the bitumen scal

up, dauaging one propeller to the o:tent thet AOCP action was rcquircd,

The patching of the remp was finished 21 larch, including two holes in
the Navy parking arca.
Arrangenents were made with :

r, on 22 March, to repair

the runway shoulder damage ccuscd by an FAU accident on 20 larch.


was repaired the sone day the request was node.
The Staff Maintenance Officer, and




conducted a survey of Engcbi landing strip on 22 ilarch to


Bes “wy

Select target paragraph3