visite! the Task Group 7.2 Trans~

portation Officer on 15 iarch, to ccortinato the roll-up plan cn the
- shipment of footlockers an personnel by air and water te the Zcne of

A Ictter was written to the Commander of the Test Suppert Unit on
20 March, requesting by nuzber an’ type the Air Force Specicl ‘urpose
Vchicles which would be used ‘luring the interi perio“,

This infor-

tiation was to be given te Task Greup 7.2 in orlcr that they imivht plan
for the neccessary support.

The Matcricl fholl-up rlcn was sulmitte’ to Headquarters, JTF SEVEN,
for approval on 20 Tiarch, in accor2cnce with JTF SEVEN ‘drinistrative
Order 2-53.
The recleploynent Chart for Task Croup 7.4 and its corpcenents was
completed on 24 March anc sent to Task Group 7.2 in order that they
wight plan and prepare the necessary air and water lift to return Task
Group 7.4 to the Zone of Intcrircr.
4A vehicle processing line was startc? at the B-50 Hanger on 24 March.

The object of this line was to wire brush all rust spots on the vchicics,
spot paint with priner and then corpletely paint the whole vehicle with

OD paint,

Task Group 7,4 heal 64 vchicles assigner fren Task Grcup 7.2

ond it was planned to treat all of these vchiclcs in this wanner,


attended the scnthly Entiwotex Trans-

portation Board incotinn at Task Group 7.2 cn 25 larch.

Select target paragraph3