



Tho Stcrf Transportation Officcr and the Steff Supply Officer visitcd


at JTF SEVEN and dis~

cussed matters pertaining to the weathor island roll-up plan,


Task Foree SEVEN iciinistrative Orcdor 2-53 dosired that the weathcr island
equiprent be shipped to Eniwctok an! then to the ZI,
acreed with this plen,

Task Group 7.4 dis-

it the end of the necting it was resolved that tho

LST would pick up tho ongerik carco, proceed cn te the cther weather
islands cond pick up carge and personnel,
Pearl Harbor.


Their final destination would bo

Yersenne]l were tc dacbark at Honolulu am fly to the Zcnc cf

It it was dccided that the LST would not ccntinuc to the ZI, the

cargo would be trans-shipped by available MSTS.

During the Operation on 1 March, 2 B36 cirercft suffered blast

A request fer special airlift for replacerent parts was sent

to JTF SEVEN on 5 March,

The Air tatericl Cormane provided a C-124 to

fly these parts fre Kelly :FB, Texas, to Travis FB, California, and
IaATS provided 2. C124 from Travis to the forward area.

The total woight

for these parts was 13,500 pounds an’ cubic footage was 2,096.
~ ecenpiled anl handecrricd the special airlift requirement to JTF SEVEN Headeourrters cn 10 March for approvel.

This speci:l

lift wes required for the roll-up of Task Group 7.4 an? its co:.poncnts.


PEE 705

Select target paragraph3