
The Steff Supply Officer and Steff Transportation Officcr conlucted


_& neoting of cll key people having te co with roll-up on 11 Morche

prinery participants in this mccting woro Unit Supply Officers, the Base

Supply Officer, the fruy Depot Supply Officcr =m’ the D/Metericl, Test
Support Unit.

411 questions presente? by tho verious representatives

wore answered cither by Air Foree participants or the Task Group 7.2

Depot Supply Officer, ”8

In addition, prior to the recting, the Bose

Supply Officer cand radesafcty monitor cvolved « proceaure for honcling
the turn-in of racioloricelly containated reteriel ond bricfed all preThis consisted of establishing - deezy orca anperiodic monitor-


ing of iteris in order that they would not be placed in supply channcls

while unscfo to han ile.
The Loristics Liaison Officer was dircecto? to report to this station

on or about 22 March, for a conference on ratericl matters pertaining to

A number of matters pertaining to Zone of Interior instcllcations

had to be resolved by the losistics Liaison Officer and on cn-the~spot
bricfing was considered neccessary in order that ho cisht nore effectively

presont the problen to those eceneies.!?
A decision to operate saphibious cirereft fron the Bikini lajrocn
area ercated « requirement for scaplane ceoring buoys,

A request was

subniitted to representatives of Task Group 7.3 on 12 Merch for the lonn
of threo- buoys togcthcr with chain cnt oncher 29


len fr


TWX fr 7G7.4 to SifMA, cite TGS 3-130, DTG 1220152, (UNCL).
TWX fr TG 7.4 to the USS CURTIS, cite TGMS 3-153, DTG 122211, (CONF).

11 barch.

~~ Subj:

"Roll-up Conference," itd



Select target paragraph3