conuponents, not in usc from such sets cs SCR~399 and SCR-499 richt be
_ disposed of, a request was forwarded to AMC on 10 barch, for authcrity
to break certain scts down into their couonents in order that they night
be hancled as such,

This authority was requested for cne cach SCi-399,

two cach SCR-499, three cach SCR-624, one cach RC-256 and three cach

nC~257. Th reply wes reccived froi: the prine depot at Nore, N, Ye,
on 25 March, approving the request cnd giving dispcsition on those iters

to be shippod. /
The original support agreenent with WADG for the B-47 was to the
affect that WiDC would support this cirereft with « flyawcy kit fron
Vright~Patterson 4FD.

Tho kit woul’ be replenished frei: the sai.c source

by direct cormunication from the cperatins dcetachncnt at Eniwotok,



or about 5 Nerch a request was recoived from WADC advisine the detacirtnt”
in the forwerd arce to channel their requests direct to the Lecistics
Linisen Cfficer at SiMi.

This bein unnccepteble to this Heecquarters,

the WDC detechtient was advised that they could pleco their requests fcr

rc-supply on the Bese Supply Officer -t Eniwotok who would, in turn, zo
to the apprepriate Zcne of Interior sujply aszency.
this chanze in proccdure on 8 March.

WADC was advised of


A ictter was published, subject:

"Roll-up of Supplics snc Equipnnt,'

for the suidence of cll units in hondling

their metericl in proparction

for depsrture from this station.”


TWX fe TG 7.4 to wi, cite TGiS 3-108, DTG 101025, (CO),
‘TWX fr ere AF Dept to TG 7.4, cite riSiD 3-3--60 E, 201 22 Mar, (CON
TUX fr WADC to TG 7.4, cite WCTH-3-2-E, dtd 031425, Control No. 4°72,


Ltr fr 7G 7.4 to 111 Units, Sudj: "Nolle-up cf Supplics an’? Fquajsert,

(UNCL), ant TX fr TG 7.4 to UADC, cite TGNS 3-80, DTG 080315,

file TGMS 400.2, *t 8 Mer (UNCL).


Select target paragraph3