| => ane ae py, CASTE fuertheEe pchange hope s 0 ae oe a| | | 409762 a. {8-54 3. Test Program Ses The General Manager reviewed the views of Dr. Willard F. Libby concerning arrangements for future test operations* The General Manager said that he had met with General Fields, Dr. Bugher, Mr. Fine and Dr. Scoville (of AFSWP) to discuss this subject. As a result of these discussions, he felt that no change in current plans and procedures was necessary. = REPOSITORY kaRe. oy — F280 BOXNo. QOS (WN2: 3abFOLDER tba q THIS PAGE ONLY COMFIPMED TOBE UNCLASSIFIED — DOc/OPFICE OF GECLASSIFICATION HH. SWLEY, AOD. ya DATE: s/ee ig hS 37 Fihth AEG feeting R