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The DOD {fs establishing a program for the detection of nuclear explosions at very high
altitudes ranging into outer space, Certain analyses of instrumentation are being presently
-conducted in AEC weapons laboratories, and it is anticipated that the AEC will be assigned

the development of the instrumentation required for the detection portion of the DOD miasion.

The study’ of the feasibility of developing a Class B laydown bomb of about 10,000 pound
size has been completed and it has been concluded that development Js not possible without '
nuclear testing.


Delays have been encountered in the installation of equipment and the excavating of cavities for the nonnuclear, high explosive experiments deep in a salt mine, Project COWBOY. It

may be April 1960 before the experiments can be completed. It is hoped that from these high
explosive experiments preliminary information will be obtained on the possibility of decoupling
the long-distance, seismic effects of underground nuclear detonations.
The drilling of a 3-foot hole 950 feet deep in granite at the Nevada Test Site for the emplacement of a 5-kiloton device for the first Berkner Panel recommended nuclear shot is
progressing. The readiness date is May 1, 1960. However, no Presidential decision has been
made as yet as to whether the shot will be fired. Surveys for a nuclear decoupling experiment,
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Project PEACOCK, are proceeding.
Manpower and supplies at Fniwetok Proving Ground have been reduced toa readiness level
projected toward resumption of testing only on 12-months’ notice.




Joint Working Group

By the end of September, 13 of the 15 joint working groups, .eported upon in the previous
quarterly report, had held their .nitial meetings. These 13 groups are those which are chaired


by either the Atomic Energy Cu :mission or the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment


Ovher Visits
In additic-. *o these meetings, separate visits were made by joint working group members
lo varniozs A*C and AEC contractor facilities for : 2cti:r.zs on such suljects as: ccrcputational
techniques anc IbM computer codes, cryogenics, aerodynamics, Mk-28 production problems,
hydrostatic pr=ssing, seismic detection and decoupling, diagnostic instrumentation, RaLa tech-

niques, safety philosophy, and fuzing and firing.

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(AWRE), the remaining two groups are nun bers I and 14 on the hst furnished in the last quarterly report, chaired by the DOD.

United States-United Kingdom Review Meeting

A Second review meeting, similar to the one held in England onApril 13-14, wes planned
to be held in Vashington, D. C. on October 26-27. In addition to a general review of the exchange program to date anda discussion of additional areas for increased cooperation, the.
separate repo>ts and recommendations of each of the joint working
groups were to histone“
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