Appropriations Committee (Senate) (1975), Budget Increase for Fiscal Year 1976 ::r
the Department of the Interior, Communication from the President of =e

United States, S. Doc. 94690, 2 pp., Y13102-2, (CIS/MF/3, S180-78), “concer

Appropriations Committee (Senate) (1976), (Witness; Enewetak rehabilitatioz:
nuclear detonations at Enewetak; agreements), pp. 42-44, 62, 65-67, 73-144, =
Construction Appropriations, FY77, Y4.Ap6/2:M59/3/977, (CIS/MF 5.
Appropriations Committee (Senate) (1977), (Letter from Fred M. Zeder, Direc-xr.

erritorial Affairs; Bikini relocation; Enewetak rehabilitation; radiologic

survey; discussion), P 1089-1101, 1124-1138, In: Supplemental Appropriatioxs.

FY77, £Ap6/2/ Ape /977, (CIS/MF/15, $181-26.33).

Appropriations Committee (Senate) (1978), (Witness; Enewetak and Bik=
rehabilitation; community projects; Rongelap and Utirik compensatio=,
PP. 719, 728-729, 735~736, 738, 741, 743,


Department of


Interior cnz

elated Agencies Appropriations, FY79, Part 2, Y4.Ap6/2:In8/979/pt. -

(CIS/MF/13, S181-3.6).

Appropriations Committee (Senate) (1980), (Witness; discussion; Bikini; Enewez«

resettlement and rehabilitation; radiation health; Rongelap and Utirik radiaim

exposure), pp. 434-499, In:

Department of the Interior and Related Agen

Appropriations, FY81, Part 2, Y4.Ap6/2:In8/981/pt. 2, (CIS/MF/14, $181-15.10).

Armed Services Committee (douse) (1974), (Witness; Enewetak rehabilitaticez .

pe 97-98, Military Construction Authorization, FY75, Y4.Ar5/2a:973-74; &.
/MF/9, H201-34.1).

Armed Services Committee (House) (1975), (Witness; discussion; Enewetak: nucia:>
detorations at Enewetak), pp. 104-172, In: Hearings on H.R. 5210, to Author=2


Construction at Military

Y¥4.Ar5/2a:975-76/11, (CIS/MF/9,

Installations, and for




Armed Services Committee (Senate) (1975), (Witness; discussion; Enewet:x
rehabilitation), pp. 51-53, 71, In: Military Construction Authorization, FY'>.
Y¥4.Ar5/3:C76/9/976, (CIS/MEF/7, $201-19.1).
Armed Services Committee (Senate) (1975), (Enewetak cleanup; rehabilitation 27:

resettlement program), pp. 399-423, In: Military Construction Autkorizatict.
FY76, Y4.Ar5/3:C76/9/976, (CIS/MF/7, $201-19.5).

Bender, M.A., and A.B. Brill (1980), “Assessment of radiation health ecfects °:
resettlement of Enewetak Atoll," pp. 728-767, In: Department of the Inzertor =7=

Related Agencies Appropriations for 1981, Part 8, Appropriations Commi:
(House), Y4.Ap6/1:1n8/6/981/pt. 8, (CIS/ MF/13).

Bender, M.A., and A.B. Brill (1980), “Radiation health effects estimates for Bix=:

Atoll residents,” pp. 768-773, In:

Department of the Interior ana Rela:z

Agencies Appropriations for 1981, Part 8, Appropriations Committee (Hous: ,

Y4.Ap6/1:1n8/6/981/pt. 8, (CIS/MF/13).


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