Cultural Impact, General Introductory, and Miscellaneous References
This category is the major source of anthropological publications; it includes
brief summaries or comments appearing in books and periodicals, such as
magazines and miscellaneous reports.
Adams, L.E. (1972), "American involvement in perspective,”

Security and International Trusteeship in the Pacific,

Institute Press, Annapolis, MD (93, 94).

p . 80-96, In: Nations.

.R. Louis, ed.),



Alcalay, G.H. (1980), “The aftermath of Bikini," The Ecologist 10(10): 346-351.
Alcalay, G.H.

(1981), "A tale of two islands: Bikini and Enewetak,”

Ecologist 11(5): 222-227.


Alcalay, G.H. (1984), "Maelstrom in the Marshall Islands: The social impact of
nuclear weapons testing,” pp. 25-36, In: Micronesia as Strategic Colony. The
Impact of U. S. Policy on Micronesian Health and Culture, (C. Lutz, ed.),
Survival Inc., Cambridge, MA (references in bibliography pp. 105-109).
Alexander, W/.J. (1984), "Missiles, the military, and the Marshalls," pp. 7-24, In:

Micronesia as Strategic Colony.

The Impact of

Health and Culture, (C. Lutz, ed.), Cultural

(references in bibliography pp. 105-109).

U. S. Policy on


Survival Inec., Cambridge, MA

Anonymous (1946), "Atom bomb island: Navy moves natives from Bikini, target or
Operation CROSSROADS," Life 20(12): 105-109.
Anonymous (1973), "Peace not PACE in Eniwetok," Pacific Islands Monthly 44(7): 7,

Anonymous (1979), "Bikini-Enewetak," Pacific Islands Monthly 50(8): 11, 13, i4, 16,
17, (reprint from Bull. Atomic Scientists, 1979).
Appleton, T. (1982), "A trust betrayed,” Review (Fiji) 3(9): 11-17, (reproduced from

ew Zealand Monthly Review, August 1982), (Source:
R. Mauricio, 1987, page 42).

G.W. Fry anc

Barnett, H.G. (1956), Anthropology in’ Administration, Row, Pete: son, Evanston, IL.
Vili. 196 pre. (34, 99, 100, 128, 150-154).
Barry, H.J., II] (1975), Chp. 5, "The Marshali Islands," pp. 44-57, In:

Oceania ana

Beyonu. Ussays on the acitic Since 1945, (F.P. King, ed.), Greenwood Press,
Westporn, CT, (44-51, 50-52).

Berkhouse, L.E., et al. (1983), "Operation SANDSTONE: 1948," Kaman Tezpo,

Defense Nuclear Agency Report


KT-82-026(R), (DNA 6033F), 200 pp.

Berkhouse, L.E., et al. (1984), "Operation CROSSROADS - 1946," Kaman Tempo,

Defense Nuclear Agency Report KT-83-006(R), (DNA 6032F), 545 pp. .

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