A considerable literature exists on the Bikini, Enewetak, and Rongelzo
Marshallese and their atolls; however, this literature consists of a large number ot

governmental documents that are relatively unknown anddifficult to locate. Ts
is particularly true of the documents of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands arc
those related to nuclear weapons testing in the Marshall Islands. Because 2
comprehensive bibliography on the impact of nuclear weaponstesting on the
Marshallese and their atolls does not exist, the preparation of a bibliograpny th::
includes sufficient information to locate all types of reports seemsjustified.
Primary sources of information in preparing this bibliography were
bibliographies on Oceania, citations in published papers, CIS Index and Abstracts.
Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, Nuclear Scienze
Abstracts, Energy Research Abstracts, numerous bibliographies on radiation ecology,
and suggestions by many individuals whom we contacted. Newspaperarticles aze
not included; however, a partial list of newspaperarticles is available in Marshal
Islands. A Chronology: 1944-1983 published by the Micronesia Support Committee.
As a result of our difficulty in locating citations from published papers, one gc=
in this bibliography is to include complete documentation of the source :!
congressional reports and other government-related publications. If we were unar-e
to verify a citation, we have indicated the source of our information. References <0
congressional reports include Serial Set numbers or Superintendent of Docume=:
numbers, and where available, CIS microfiche numbers (CIS/MF).


governmental documents, particularly those related to ionizing radiation, incluc2

reference to Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) or Energy Research Abstracts (ERA..
In many cases, sections of congressional documents are very difficult to ce.
Consequently, wherea title to a section is lacking, we have chosento substitute a i:
of topics in parentheses.
In addition, page numbers for material in this bibliography are provided =
parentheses when the subject matter of a book or documentis not restricted :)
nuclear weapons testing in the Marshall Islands.
Documents listed in NSA or ERA are for the most part to be found =.
Department of Energy Depository Libraries throughout the world. A list or these
depositories can be found in issues of NSA or ERA, with the latter being the mc::
current. Another source of information for these documents is ‘che Office <:

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