United States Atomic Energy Commission (1973), Enewetak Radiological Survey,
Nevada Operations Office, United States Atomic Energy Commission, Las Vegas,
NV, report NVO-146, Vol. I, 747 pp.; Vol. 0, 617 pp.; Vol. III, 687 pp.,
30:24007; 24008; 24009, respectively).


United States Department of the Navy (1947), Bikini Scientific Resurvey, Press

release No. 10, July 15, 1947, (Source: J.N. Stannard, 1988, page 1951, Cited from

N.O. Hines, 1962).

United States Energy Research and Development Administration (1975),

Radiological Conditions at Enewetak Atoll and

Protection of Future Residents, (a

booklet in English and Marshallese), (Source:

Military Constructions

Appropriations or 1977, Part 3, Appropriations Committee (House), pp. 132-157,

1976), Y4.Ap6/1:M59/6/977/pt.3.

United States Energy
Research and Development Administration (1977), Safety and
Environmental Protection Division, Progress Report, January 1, 1974—December
31, 1975, Bookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, report BNL-50606, 57 pp.,
(Bikini foodchain), (ERA 2:46213).
United States Environmental Protection Agency (1974), Comments on Draft
EIS-Cleanvp, Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Enewetak Atoll, Marshall


Islands, December 12, (Source: C. Lutz, ed., 1984, Micronesia as Strategic Celony,
Occasional Papers No. 12, Cultural Survival Inc., Cambridge, MA, page 108).

United States General Accounting Office (1979), Enewetak Atoll -- Cleaning Up
Nuclear Contamination, May 8, 1979, United States General Accounting Office
report PSDA-79-54, 39 pp., GA 1.13:PSDA/79:54.
University of Washington (1947), Radiobiological Resurvey of Bikini Atoll durin
the Summer of 1947, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, report UWFL-7,
62 pp., (NSA 13:11751).

University of Washington (1949), Bikini Radiobiological

Resurvey of 1948,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, report UWFL-16, 51 pp., (NSA 13:11074).

University of Washington (1949), Eniwetok Radiological Resurvey jfuly 1948,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, report UWFL-19, 38 pp., (Source: N.O.

Hines, 1962, page 342).

University of Washington (1950), Radiobiological Surve of Bikini, Entwetok, and
Likiep Atolls: July-August 1949, University of Was ington, Seattle, WA,
UWEFL-22, 146 pp. (Also: University of Washington, Seattle, WA, report AECD
3446), (NSA 6:5934).

University of Washington (1952), Work in Progress at the Applied Fisheries
Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA, report UWEL-29, 15 PP.
(Also: University of Washington, Seattle, WA, report AECD 3445), (NSA 6:5933).

University of Washington (1955), A Radiological Study of Rongelap Atoll, Marshall
Islands, during 1954-1955, University of Washington,

UWFL-42, 75 pp., (NSA 12:18).

Seattle, WA, report

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