Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Senate) (1964), "Providing

for the

Settlement of Claims of Certain Residents of the Trust Territory of the Pacific

Accompanies H.R. 1988, S. Rept. 1257, 6 pp., Y12616-3, (Rongelap).

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Senate) (1974), Authorizing the
Appropriations of Sums Necessary to Rehabilitate Enewetak Atoil, Trust

Territory of the Pacific Islands, S. Report 93-1167, 4 pp., ¥13057-8, (CIS/MF/3,

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Senate) (1975), Providing
for an Ex Gratia Payment to the People of Bikini Atoll, in the

the Trust Territory of the Pacific
(CIS /MF/3, $443-20).

an Authorization

Marshall Islands of

Islands, S. Report 94-165, 3 pp., Y13096-3,

Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (House) (1978), (Announced United
States nuclear detonations; exposure criteria (R/hr); compensation; Rongelap
medical health; Enewetak rehabilitation), pp. 341-367, 44
1, 452-460, In: Effect

of Radiatiun on Human Health, Vol. 1:

Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation,

Monroe, R.R. (1980), "Radiological cleanup

of Enewetak Atoll,” PD; 481-493, In:

Y¥4.1n8/4:95-179, (CIS/MF/17, H501-64.6).

Department of the Interior and Related Appropriations, FY81, Part 2, Senate
Appropriations Committee, Y4.Ap6/2:In8/981/pt.2, (CIS/MF/14, $181-15.10).

Seymour, A. (1959), “Fallout in the oceans,” pp. 1976-1989, In:


from Nuclear

Weapons Tests, Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Radiation, Joint

Committee on Atomic

(NSA 14:9302).

Energy, 86th Congress, Ist Session, Vol. 3, Y4.At7/2:F19/3,

Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Supply (Senate) (1983), (Witness;
discussion; radiation exposure health care), pp. 144-146, 150-151, In:
Omnibus Territories, Y4.En2:5. hrg. 98-650, (CIS/MF/7, S34-18).


Subcummittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, Subcommittee
on Asian and Pacific Affairs and Subcommittee on International Operations

(House) (1985), (Witness; discussion; compensation; rehabilitation and
resettlement; radiation health; Bikini, Enewetak and Rongelap), pp. 72, 76, 80-83,

456-465, 534-540, 566-570, 852-861, 863-866, In:


the Compact of Free

Association Between the United States, the Marshall Islands, and the Federated

States of Micronesia, Y4.F76/1:C73/15, (CIS/MF/11, H381-22).

Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs (House) (1987), (Witness;

discussion; Bikini compensation; Marshall Islands health care), pp. 271-302,
422-429, In: Implementation of the Compact of Free Association Act in tie
Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia, Y4.1n8/14:100-86,

(CIS/MF/7, H441-27.8).

Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks (House) (1984), (Witness;

discussion; Bikini and Enewetak rehabilitation and resettlement; Compact of

Free Association; Rongelap), pp. 6, 22, 47-71, 77, 96, 1C9-111, 118, 120-142, 147148, 164-165, 176-178, In:

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Budget Request “or

Fiscal Year 1985, Y4.In8/14:98-24, (CIS/MF/4, H441-10.1).


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