

subjects, i.e.

Hiroshima cases, Marshallese, and cases exposed by reactor ac-

~ cidents (HEMPELMaNet al., 1952 ; AMANo, 1953 ; Cronkite et al., 1956 ; HasTEeRLix
and Marineu, 1956; Gusxova and BatsocoLov, 1956; Anprews et al., 1961;

JammeT, 1961), it is noted that all these cases similarly revealed the minimal

value at about one month after exposure.

Bone Marrow

The bone marrow was aplastic at the critical stage in severe cases, which
showed remaining and proliferation of plasma cells and reticulum cells. Figure
3 shows the bone marrowof one of the severe cases. Comparing with normal

2g Bk at

With the begin-

ning of recovery, aplastic marrow changed to hypoplastic and then turned
into a type of maturation arrest.


In some cases, recovery was not complete

even after one year. In less severe cases, the bone marrow was not aplastic
but hypoplastic or in a type of maturation arrest even at the critical stage.
Morphological and Functional Changes


Several morphological abnormalities were observed: nuclear debris of
lymphocytes, binucleated lymphocytes, vacuoles of neutrophils, toxic granulations
of neutrophils, degenerative changes of blood cells, mitotic abnormalities of

erythroblasts, ete.

Motility and phagocytosis of neutrophils decreased remarkably. After one
year, in some cases these functions were still lower than in normal persons.

ewe Red. 8 ow tlhe

Bone marrow of one of severe cases at 5th week.

bone marrow a lack of bone marrow cells was observed.






As above mentioned 16 to 18 fishermen have been examined on an annual basis.

Figure 4 shows the changes of the cumulative distribution curves of leukocytes. The curve of critical stage appeared displaced far to the left of the
normal curve, and gradually approached normal values.
However, the curve of the 6th year was still displaced slightly to the left

Tk eae oe

Fig. 3


()) (cumulative).

J ples sppiat b cn +P
oe3 aa


Fig. 4 Leukocy tes

+>. 3 Changes it

eyes. neutrophils

of normal Jap:

the curve apt

in the cumule

the changes °
are represent
A small 1

of erythrobl:
10 years.


results are §

1. The

Select target paragraph3