HAE. Palmer and T.M. Beasley, Science 149, 431 (1965).
T. Jaakkola,

in Radiloecological Concentration Processes,

B. Aberg and F.P. Hungate, Eds.

pp. 247-251.

(Pergamon, Oxford, 1967),


B. Persson, in Radioecological Concentration Processes,.
B, Aberg and F.P. Hungate, Eds.

(Pergamon, Oxford, 1967),

“HLE. Palmer and T.M. Beasley, Nature 211, 1253 (1966).

‘HLE. Palmer and 1.M. Beasley, Health Physics 13, 889 (1967).
H.E. Palmer, et. al., Radiological Health Data Reports 9,

387 (1968).


c. E. Jenkins and J.C. Langford, Pacific Northwest Lab. Rep.
1051, Part 2 (1969), pp. 73-74.
D. Chakravartd and E.E. Held, J. Food Science 38, 221 (1963).

R.A. Conard, et. al., Brookhaven National Lab. Rep. 50029


This report contains a brief review of

past medical surveys on Rongelapese natives and a bibliography listing medical reports, radioecological studies,
and graduate theses which deal with work conducted at

Rongelap Atoll.

E.B. Sandell,

in Colorimetric Determination of Traces of

‘Metals, B.L. Clarke, P.J. Elving and I.M. Kolthoff, Eds.

(Interscience, New York, 1959).

p. 541.

Select target paragraph3