Trip Report, Enewetak and JA, Dec 78

11 Dec 78


6. While at Hawaii in the FCH Conference Room, Gen Tate reviewed with COL Bauchspies,
COL Hemler, and COL DiGrazia the events of the Pacific Trip. He also reviewed
with COL Bauchspies the events of the island tour on 5 Dec 78. COL Bauchspies was
tasked directly with a number of actions, such as insuring proper protective

equipment for those working on the tremie operations; painting latrine

walls; and repairing leaking roofs at Lojwa. A summary of FCDNA followup actions
required, with assigned staff responsibilities are summarized below:

Write a trip report.

(FCL, assisted by FCP.)


Document the actions required on Runit.


Call Mobile Engineer District to solve the problem of the workers there

(If we are able to clean half of

Runit, it may take the edge off of any claim that there are some islands no longer
in Enewetak Atoll.)
(FCP, assisted by FCZ.) (See Tab S.)
wanting Christmas leave.


d. Obtain Disc Harrows and a Power Screed for Enewetak (FCL and FCC). (Provide

fund cite to FCR; FCR will procure the equipment.)

Write to DPDO to confirm that there will be no on-island sale of equipment

at Enewetak (FCL).


£. Determine who is to pay for the IMP survey of JA (FCC,assisted by FCL and
FCP). NOTE: I informed Gen Tate that we were operating under the assumption
FCDNA would have to pay for it.
g. Find out who is responsible to pay for the core-drilling equipment at
Enewetak. Currently funded by FCDNA. Roger Ray is against DOE paying. So are

Bruce Church and Tommy NcCraw. Gen Tate's guidance: We ought to keep trying.
Gen Tate is willing to send a letter to DOE (signed by Admiral Monroe or Gen Tate),
if we are certain it is DOE's responsibility.
(FCC, assisted by FCL, FCP, and FCZ).

Telephone Bruce Church to see what DOE's intent is about buying the core-


Notify Adm Monroe anytime there is a hint of beryllium contamination;

drilling equipment for taking core samples after backfill.
give it priority treatment.


(FCR and FCZ).

j. Coordimate with Scott Stege and inform FC with info to HQ DNA if there
are changes in Master Index items.
(FCR, coordinated with FCL).


Find out how long the Cactus Crater will last.


Check with DOE concerning soluble versus insoluble plutonium and

Gen Roush.)
by FCZ).

Follow it up with a message.

(Gen Tate will ask

Inform Adm Monroe.

(FCL, assisted

The objective is to get a better understanding of how transuranics

and suburanics filter to the root structures. I believe this is tied in with
the subject of possible reduction of suburanics because of the removal of


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