
In view of the dose received, further exposure to radi-

ation cannot be justified.

Based on the concept that the recovery period

should correspond in time with the permissible dose for accumulation;

it is recommended that these patients not be exposed to radiation except

for essential diagnostic or therapeutic radiation for a period of six
years. It is further recommended that they be retumed to the U.S. and
sent to a medical center for a complete and detailed medical workup.
prior to retum to duty.

For consistency and uniformity, it is felt

that all patients regardless of service should go to the same medical
facility and that the Walter Reed Amy Medical Center is the agency best
suited to perform the examinations. Detailed clinical records will be
available to be forwarded to the medical center.


Americans from the Bairoko and Philip.


Approximately 38 cases of radiation bums have developed among
the personnel of these two ships. Film badges indicate that whole body
radiation received was less than 10R, No subjective systemic symptoms
have been noted.

All patients are in good condition and the bums are

healing causing no discomfort and requiring no treatment.

are being documented by history, photography, and biopsy.

These cases

It is not

indicated for them to undergo extensive investigation by Project 4.1.

No other follow-up is recommended.

Notation will be made in their

medical records of the amount of radiation received, and the write-ups
of their case histories will also be incorporated therein.

It is recom~

mended that CTG 7.3 make the clinical records and documentation available
to Project 4.1 to be included in the overall report of radiation injuries
to Task Force Personnel.

Colonel, (MC) USA
Staff Surgeon

Select target paragraph3