these values of / to something like 272. Also, there may be appreciable
balation on these filue and I would consider, for the moment, that the

Parry - Eastman value of 265 is probably more reliable. If the fireball
duta are then revised dowward, indicated by - = 268, the apparent
yield from MIKE shot vill then be in the order of 10.2 megatons, even by
the analytic solution.

Figure 4 shows the time of arrival curve from MIKE in comparison with

the predicted times of arzival for both 10 and 12 megatone, I have included
acme preliuinary fireball points, from measurement at Bnitwetok, shows a9

orceses, and the firetell curve resulting fron a 7 of 268 show as 6
@eahed line. Sandia's nensured times of arrival are shown by circles, In
view of the excellent correlation obtained by this same prediction on KIM,
the times of arrivel at 8300 feet and 16,000 feet scem significantly closer
to 10 megatons than 12. Beyond 15,000 feet atmospheric inhomogeneity vill
regult in later times of arrival.

Only one point on the tine of arrival curve

is high, at 36,000 feuts this point was not included by Cox in bis most recent
publication of resulta; I have carried it over from the estimates on Parry

to sdow that there is a reasonable possibility, although auall, that the time

of arrival curve is Like 12 magatons in this region, and thet on Eatvetok it

had been included as part of the judgement that the time of arrival curve was
reasonable for 12 megntons.


Figure 5 shows the peak pressure ve. distance curve for NIKE) generally
two different pressures were measured at the seme distances.

At 16,000 feet,

Cou has revised the preseure dowward from an original 23.6 pei down to 6
spread between 90.2 ani 17.5 pei. hie was a station close to vater and had

@ fairly good wave form I think this downmerd revision ie again evidence that
12 megstons is high in this region. Further revision was mde by Cox in revising


Select target paragraph3