the latest

Kwaja- ,

Majuro airport Wednesday


lein payments in the bag.

ft is almost $1.9 million
— in checks.








Phone 3366

Room 214, RRE Building


from lose,


and liability associated with such vessele,

ordnance, ofl and cable, including any loss, damage and liabilicy
that asy result from salvage operations or other activity Chat

a, title to auch vessels and


the Government of the Marshall Ielands or che people of Bikint
take or cause to be Caken concerning euch vessels or cable. The
Government of the Marshall Islands shall transfer, in accordance

with its constitutional proc
cable co che people of Bikini.

Section 3} - Enewetak Cable

Pursuent to Section 234 bf the Compact, any right, title end
interest the Government of the United States may have to cable
situcated in the Enewetak lagoon as of che effective dace of this
Agreement shall vest in the Government of the Marshall Islands
without reimbursement or transfer of funde. By acceptance of

Islands shall hold harmless che Government of tha United States

such right, title and interest, the Government of che Marshall ~
from loss, damage and Liability associated with such cable and
shall cransfer, in accordance with ics constitutional proceas,

Axcicle VIT

ticle to euch cable to the people of Enewetak.

Ucilization of Lands
. shall have
Talands, coneistent with ice constitutional proce
the utilization of
and exercise responsibility for, controlli

The Government of che United Stacea is relieved of and has
no responsibility for, end the Government of the Marshall

avese in the Marshall Islands affected by the Nuclear Testi:

Assistance Co the Government of the Marshall Islands
from the Covernmenc of che United States in respect to the
exercise of such responsibilicy by the Government of the Marshall
Islands ie eet forth in full in chia Agreement.

Acticle VITI
Northern Marshall Islands Radiological Surve

The Government of the Uniced Srates has concluded that:
(a) The Norchern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey and
conducted by the Government of the
related environmental studies
United Scaces tepresenc the best effort of that Government
accurately to evaluate and describe radiological conditions in
the Marshall Islands; and
The Northern Marshall Islands Radiological survey and
* (bv)
related environmental studies have been made availeble to the
Covernment of the Marshall Islands and can be used for the
evaluation of the food chain and environment and estimating
radiution-rcelated health consequences of residing in the Korthern
MarehaPh Lalands afcer 1978.
Article Ix
Changed Circumstances

the Marahall Intands, resuleing fr @ the Nuclear Testing Frogran,
arines or is discovered after the effective date of thir Agroement, anu cuch Jajurtes were nol and couldnot reasonably have
been identified as of che effective date of this Agreement, and
if euch injuries render che provisions of chis Agreement manifescly inadequate, the Government of the Marshall Islands may request
that the Government of che Uniced Scates provide for suc
injucies by submitcing such a requesc co Che Congress of the
Ie is underscoo’ that this
United Scates for its consideration.
Article does noc commit the Congress of che United States to
auchorize and appropriate funds.





Awseinus atees Vereen oe

ore oo y----



The Government of the Marshall Ielande asy, from time

chem on matters relating to the provisions of chis Agreement.

Co time, request from the Government of the United Scates asatatance of an edvisory nature with respect to the implementation of
thie Agreement, including the invescaenc of the Fund in inscru-

tance shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of

mente of the Government of the United States and the establishment and operation of the Claims Tribunal. Such advisory assis~-

Section 226 of the Compacc.

This Agreement say be amended at eny time by mutual consent

Section 4 - Amendment

of the Government of the United States and the Government of the
Marehall Islands.

This Agreesent shall remain in full force and effect until

terminated or otherwise amended by mutual consent. —

The Definicion of Terms set forth in ArticlefvVI of

Section 6 - Definitions



The term "citizens ena nationale” of the Mershell

Ticle Four of the Compact is incorporated in chis Agreémenc.






organized under che lava of che Marshall Islands
or the Uniced States or any of ite states or

a corporation or other legal entity which is

a natural person who is a citizen of the Marshall
Islands or che United Scates, and

lelendsa or the Uniced States, as the case may be, includes;


Agreement Batween

territories, the District of Columbia or the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


Appendix A

Compace of Free Association

the Government of tha United States and
the Government of the Marshall Telands for
the Implementation of Section 17? of the


U.S. Public Law







Continued page 9


the classifieds



To benefit and assisc the people of the Marshall Islands
gich raeneee e eemacauances of che Nuclear Testing Program, the
to vernmeenct
the following
of the statute
tates has provided
provided assistance pursuant





heeds tote ree

a ee ee




Select target paragraph3