. From page 4 s ‘ otherwise invested as the Kongelap Distribution Authority may AL] monetary avards made by the Claims Tribunal pur- . . Enewecak, Rongelap and Utrik Trusts The understandings reached shall, in conaulcation with distribution authority shall, es eet forth in this Agre : Each distribution auchority shall, for purposes of A. BERBokal aes Sacdl . Continuedpage 6 notification co the public and sll interested parties regardin ice determinactton and actions, depoett with che Claims Tribuna an accounting of its annual disbursements, within 120 days afcev Such accouncing the end of each Marehell Ielends fiscal yeer. {c) (b) A diatribucion authority may aeaign its right to receive sume provided under this Agreement, provided that the assignment fe consistent with this Agreement end provided chat the distribution authority indeanifies and holds haraless the Fund Manager, the Government of the Marshall tsilands end the Government of che United States for any claims arising from che assignmenc. Islands, and chis Agreement. Marshall Islands, the Conscitucion of the Republic of che Mareheli (a) Distribution, investmenc and ocher expenditure of Annual Proceeds by a distribution authority shail be made in accordance with customary law and traditional practice of che Section } - Disbursements and Recordacion The Claims Tribunal may, from cime to time, establish eppropriete and additjonsl distribucion auchorities ae ic d Necessary Co carfy ouc the intent of chia Agreement, Section 2 - Additional Distribution Authorities mene. receive and distribute, invest, or otherwise expend Annuel roceeds. . Each The local government council for Bikini/Kili, Enewetak/Ujelang, Rongelag and Ucrik shall be the discribution authority for the people of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Ucrik, respectively. Section 1 - Designated Distribution Authorities Distribution Auchorit Article IIT the Government of the United Scates, be appended to chis Agreemenc as Agreed Minutes. The establishment of each crust in accordance with che applicable Agreed Minute is a condition to disbursement of Annual Proceeda by the Fund Manager to the respective distribution authorities. Islands. porcion of the Annual Proceeds chey shall receive under chis Each cruat shall be designed to provide a perpetual Agreement. source of income for its respective recipients, and shall be developed in consalcacion with the Government of the Marshall provide for che establishment of a trust funded with all or a Enewetak, Rongelap and Urrik shall each for their own benefit consequences of the Nuclear Testing Program, the people of Bikini, Section 8 - Bikini, . Guam Ottice Agana, Guam 96910 Se Honatwin Hawa 96817 Phone. (808; 501-5011 Telex - 7230306 7O3 N Nureita Hwy Hawsuaen Nour Muls. ing and the Pacilic. Seming Hawau., Asia s Flour and Mixes ws Bakery Supply a Food Service \ HNN } ql Bae RoriCan ALL PU» Protect Your Heart Page 5 CONTROL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Volume 14, Number 56 (4) Any Annual Proceeds which are not required for che and subsection disbureemenca set forth in Sections | chrough 7(b) and 2(c) of this Arcicle shall either be made a parce of the Fund or be used by the Governmenc of the Marshall Islands for other programs and services for the people of the Marshall Islands as cheir unique needs and circumstances resulting from the Nuclear Testing Program may require, including continuation of che technical assistance referred cto in Section 1 of this Article, the operation of the Claims Tribunal, che survey and analysis of che radiological scacus of che Marshall Islands, and distributions to local government councils so chat they may establish and maintain programs and services for their people as their unique needs and circdmstances resulcing from the Nuclear Tescing Program may require. MARSHALL ISLANDS JOURNAL MID-TOWN MINI (c) Coamencing on the fifteenth anniversary of che effec- ‘ tive date of chie Agreement, not less than 75 percent of Annual available for disbursement in whole or partial Proceeda shall be . payment of wonecery awards sade by che Claims Tribunal. hall be made available for disbursement in psyment of monetary awards made by the Claims Tribunal in subsequent years. If,'in any year, the annusl amount. made av. ilable paid in full. pursuant cto subsection 6(c) of this Article is not exhausted, the amount noc required for thet year shall remain in the Fund and pro-rata besie from available funds until ali such swards are suanc to Article IV of cHis Agreement shall ba paid on an annual (bd) snnual basis to supplement Annusl Proceeds in the amount of the 7 difference. In che event thac Annual Proceeds are not suffi:ient co (a) maet the disbursement schedules set forth in Sections 1 t wough 6 of this Article, disbursemants shall be made from the Funi on an Section 7? - Ocher Disbursements eee the 12-year period commencing on the chird anniversary of che effective date of this Agreement. awards made by the Claims Tribunal pursuant co Article IV of this Agreement, to be disbursed in snnual amounts of up to §2.:5 aillion for the 3-year period commencing on the effective date of this Agreement, and in annual amounts of upto $3.25 millon for (c) $45.75 million co be made available co che Claims Tribunal as nece ary for whole or partis] payment of mon:tary Agreement. (b) $500,000 annually to che Claime Tribunal during che tere of its exiacence for its operation, to be disbursed on quarterly amounts of $125,000 commencing one calendar qua-ter afcer the first anniversary of the effective dete of this disbursed prior to the first anniversary of the effective dete of this Agreement. (a) $500,000 to the Government of the Marshall lelaids co provide for the establishment, of che Claims Tribunsl, to Section 6 - Claims Adjudication Funds $22.5 million to the Urrik Dieteibution Authority referred Co in Acticle Lil of chia Agreement, in payment of claims arising ouc of the Nuclear Testing Program for loss or damage to property and person of the people of Ucrik, co be disbursed in quarterly amounta of $375,000 for the 15-year period commencing one celendsr quarter after the effeccive date of this Agreement, and which shall be distributed, placed in crust oc otherwise invested as the Ucrik Distribution Authority may determine consistent with this Agreement. Section $ - People of Ucrik detemine conatstent with this Agreemenc. . Friday, July 15, 1983 337.5 million co the Rongelap Discribucion Authority cclerred to in Arcicle 111 of this Agreement, in payment of cloims arising vut of che Nuclear Testing Program for loss or dame Co property and person of the people of Rongelap. co be disbursed in quarterly amounts of $625,000 for the 15-year period Coumencing one culendac quarter after the effective date of this Agreement, and which shall be distributed, placed {n trust or Section 4 - People of Rongela :