
current status of plans for future continental weapons tests.


sentatives of AEC, the Department of Defense, and the Federal[-Civil


Defense Administration were in attendance. Items included: _h2) Proposed

participation of FCDA in Operation TEAPOT; (b) Military projets in
Operation TEAPOT on weapons effects, phenomena measurements, Bnd a

limited thermal radiation program; (c) Consideration of procefures for
comparing FCDA and military effects projects.

FCDA plans include additionaleffects data on residence, components of buildings, structures, civil defense training simil
Desert Rock maneuvers, and an "open shot" with public news mq@dia repre-

sentatives. It is proposed to enlist private industry suppoyt
for the
FCDA program at the ratio of 10 private dollars to one goveryment dollar.
A number of meetings will be arranged in the future to
coordination for each agency's requirements. FCDA indicated
planning would be accelerated in order to complete prelimin
Screening Committee.
Briefings for life Insurance Association of America.


The AEC at the request of the Federal Civil Defense Administ¥ation arranged
a classified briefing for the Civil Defense Committee of the[Life Insurance

Association to acquaint the group with the responsibilities qf civil defense
aS related to the national security program, Representativeg of the
Divisions of Raw Materials, Production, Military Application] and Reactor
Development presented material. In this connection, the Ass@ciation was
also briefed by the Central Intelligence Agency, Department @f Defense,
and Office of Defense Mobilization, and plans to introduce te subject of
civil defense responsibility at their Association meeting inJthe spring.

Radiation Instruments Program

Neutron Instrumentation. (UNCLASSIFIED)

The Division sponsored an

informal conference on neutron instrumentation on January 28] for an exchange of ideas on the problems associated with neutron dosifietry and
possible new instrumentation approaches to this field. The fiscussion
group consisted of representatives from AEC research groups

the radiation protective aspects of neutron instrumentation.]

covered were: (1) review of the neutron measurement problemsf

Engaged in


(2) reports

on the performance of presently available instruments; and (B) current
developments and possible future trends.

The conference provided an opportunity to bring the
ous research
groups together to effect closer coordination, and to direc efforts
toward new approaches in research and development of neutror instrumentation.


Select target paragraph3