been completed in connection with reports that sheep had
allegedly injured by fall-out particles during the spring 953
test detonations. The unusually heavy losses of sheep grazing
several thousand head. Investigations, ndstudies of3a
experiments, post-mortem examinations, and studies of range con-

the shee owners. Contes of the report
reviewed in detail to permit discussion
ing included specialists from AEC, U.S.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the


were distributed
of the findings.
e meetPublic Health Sertice,
Utah State Agricultural

Representatives of the press and a local radio gtation

were also present.

Feasibility Committee--Operation JANGLE.

The Feasibility Committee met in January to review the criteria

and assumptions for radiological safety that were initially estab-

lished for JANGLE in 1951 (surface and underground detona#ions).
Discussions were held on the actual radiological conditio
existed after the detonations. Based on these findings,
and calculations were given of possible radiological con
that would result from nuclear devices of larger yield fo¥
and underground detonations at the Nevada Proving Grounds


Recommendations made by the Committee concerning estdblishment of an operational guide for whole-body gamma radiatidn
the generaloff-site population and the continuation of tile

sampling and monitoring program for future test series

presented to the General Manager by the Director of the



Research Activities


jointly by the Division

A conference was sponso

d Corporation in January

progress of Project SUNSHINE to date and to direct future

in the study of possible world-wide contamination with radi
strontium from nuclear detonations. The project has been
way for several months and includes a world-wide program
Sampling of soils, forage crops, animal bones,


Select target paragraph3