ICRP #9 suggests chat in 30 years,

the general public should receive a dose

of Less than 5.0 rem from total body sources other than medical or natural background (8).

In all cases examined here, chis requirement is net.

The problem

arises that the external gamma radiation is only one source of exposure to the

The dierary pathway could contribute a subsrantial increment as an

internal dose commitment.
Reviewing all atoll dose commitments in this light, we feel chat inhabitants
of Rongelap Acoll may have difficulty meeting the ICRP #9 criterion of 5 rem in
30 years, but should be within the 0.5 rem/year standard for individuals.


interal dose assessment for the people of Rongelap will be the subject of a sepatate report.

At this time, we do not recommend any remedial action until a complece

dose commitment can be determined by means of examining the external, dietary and
whole body counting data available cto date. °*
The other islands and atolls surveyed are well within che [CRP recommended

As such,

Little more than minimal followup should be done on these atolls.

The main task of the environmental programs should be one of detecting significance
changes in the environment or lifestyle which might warrant a reassessment of these
dose predictions.


Select target paragraph3