





The three enclosed documents have not been fully reviewed
by the Department or other affected agencies, nor have the
proposals for heaith care, monitoring, anc education beer.

They differ as to their ceosraphical coverace anc
contain some Guplicaticr of costs, as in the case of

transportation and communication.
In addition, the cost
estimates have not been reviewed in any detail.
The development
of a single, integrated plan based on the three attached
proposals cannot effectively be accomplished until various
issues are resolved, and accordingly, none of the three
proposals here transmitted has the endorsement of this

Department or the Administration.
We believe them to be
useful and professional products, however, anc they will
unquestionably be important in the development of the plan
required by the law.
From the foregoing, it will have become clear that a number of
questions require further consideration.

The most fundamental

is the matter of the coverage of the program -- whether it
should extend to all of the people of the Marshalls, to the

people of the four named atolls wherever they reside and to
the people of the “other atolls” that are found to have been

affected, or to the current residents of selected atolls

only, and if a distinction should or can be made between

radiation and non-radiation related injuries and illnesses.

Should an effort be made to provide for health care for peoples

of named and affected atolls that is separate and apart fror.
the health care program available to the general population

of the Marshall Islands? Does the term “integrated”, which
the statute uses in describing the comprehensive health
care program, mean that such program is to be integrated
with medical programs of the Marshall Islands Government,
or does it instead describe the relationship between the
primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of care? To what
extent should the beneficiaries of the health program, in
whatever way they are defined, receive secondary and tertiary
care within the Marshall Islands? Finally, if the peoples
of atolls other than the four named in the statute should be
provided the comprehensive care envisioned by Public Law 96-205,
through what means and by what criteria should those other
atolls be identified?
These are among the issues that will require attention in
the weeks to come.

Sipcerely, S





Select target paragraph3