
Department of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20545

Bil JAN -6 AN 7 17

DEC 31 Igc0
Mr. John E. DeYoung

Territorial and International Affairs

U.S. Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. DeYoung:
During the meeting of December 10, 1980, the question was asked what

additional costs might be involved if the proposed program plan for
education and information pertaining to nuclear radiation and its
effects were to be expanded from the peoples identified in Public Law
96-205 to include all of the inhabited atolls in the Marshall Islands.

Mrs. Ruth Clusen, Assistant Secretary for Environment, indicated that

we would provide this information.

The staff at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory of Battelle Memorial
Institute, who prepared the original program plan at our request,
have provided the following cost estimates:
1. As presented in the submitted plan, the cost of the program for
the first three years was estimated to be $2,200,000 for the peoples
of Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik.

You may recall that the

plan proposed that 3 persons from the populations of each of these
atolls, plus 4 other persons, be trained in Majuro and in the United
States prior to conducting education/information meetings with the

peoples of the 4 atolls.


If the program is expanded to include all inhabited atolis the

preliminary estimated additional cost is $3,600,000, for a total 3

year estimated cost of $5,800,000.

This assumes that 3 trainees are

selected from each of the inhabited atolls in the Marshall Islands and

trained as indicated in the program plan.

If it were feasible for the original 16 trainees, primarily from

Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik, to present the education/

information program to the peoples of all of the other inhabited atolls
in the Marshall Islands, the preliminary estimated additional cost is

. $2,100,000, for a total 3 year estimated cost of $4,300,000.
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