


of Public Health,

Loma Linda University

There would be no specialty services for even
the non-emergency care needed such as radiologic
services, psychiatric examinations, orthopedic
evaluations, opthalmologic evaluations, etc.
It is highly inappropriate to refer non-EnglishSpeaking people to Bonolulu for any evaluation
required by one of the medical specialists and
it isimpractical to transport the specialists
to the Marshall Islands for consultations on
such a small population base.
This plan would provide no capability for the

Marshall Islands Government to take over the

required care even with long range planning.

This plan would not be cost effective.
Without adequate local hospital facilities, it
would be very difficult to recruit a physician
for the responsibility involved as this would
place him in the untenable position of having
responsibility for total primary care including
emergency care but would provide no adequate
support in terms of local hospital facilities
to enable him to render the mandatory care
within his capability.
The social disruptions and secondary effects
of transporting large numbers of non-Englishspeaking people to Honolulu would result in
many secondary negative situations.

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