School cf Public Health
Lor.2 Linda University

to Health Care Plan for the Marshal] Islands

Tris adjendur is submitted at the request of the Department

of the Irterior followinc the meeting held at the Department
on December 10, 1950.
The purpose is to submit a plan for
limited primary health care to be provided for those
inhabitants actually living on the atolls of Rongelap,

Utirik, Enewetak, and Kili.

The requirements for health care for the above conditions

will include the following:


One Medical Assistant to be employed full time
and stationed on each of the four mentioned atolls.
For the immediate present, if the plan were to
begin before medical assistants could complete
a three-year course of training, Medex could be
recruited from those working at Majuro or Ebeye
if the Marshall Islands government were willing
to assign them to work on the atolls.
The present clinic facilities on each of the four
named atolls should be upgraded to the status of
a health center as specified in our previous
report submitted to the Department of Interior on
December 3, 1980.
Housing facilities would need to be built for each
of the medical assistants.
Radio communication equipment would be necessary
at each health center and at Ebeye or Kwajalein.

A special logistic supply system would need to be

established at the hospital at Ebeye or Kwajalein
and with a full time medical supply officer capable

of handling pharmaceutical and other supplies.

The medical ship outlined in section XII of our

report submitted on December 3 would be necessary.

This ship should be outfitted with laboratory,
x-ray and dental facilities on board.


One medical doctor (general practioner) for supervision of medical assistants and to be assigned to

the dedicated "medical ship” for the four atolls.
His headquarters would be Ebeye or Kwajalein since

it would be anticipated that the "medical vessel"

would be headquartered at Kwajalein.
Other special. dzed professional staff member are listed under

_"Manpower Needs" below.

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