
Operations Plan - Voyage FY 1978 #4

BNL - Greenhouse/Miltenberger

Urine bioassay at Rongelap, Utirik, Bikini and Ebeye.


Establish systematic,



routine urine bioassay programs

for above atolls,
Environmental sampling.
Radiological preview of northern islands at Rongelap.
Whole body counting at Bikini.



Implement initial resuspension experiment.
Develop parameters for resuspension model.
Take samples from test plot on Enyu.
Complete permanent living quarters on Enyu.
Refine irrigation system.
Sample Bikini subsistence crops.


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LLL - Bikini

LLL - Enewetak

Sample vegetation, fruits, soils from islands of Belle, Clara,
Janet, Sally and Tilda.


The Party Chief for the April 1 voyage is Dr. Robert Conard.
Mr. Robert Miltenberger will be Party Chief for persons under
the auspices of the Safety and Environmental Protection
Division of BNL.
Dr. William Robison is the LLL Party
Chief both at Bikini and Enewetak.
Any scheduling changes
for the voyage are to be discussed in advance by the Party
Chiefs involved to best insure use of the vessel to fully
satisfy all mission objectives.



Daisy, Trene,



The DOE/DNA Coordinator is responsible for preliminary inspection
of M.V. Caroline Islands as to potential problems involving
beaching, especially at Bikini and Enyu.
He is to monitor
and assist Global Associates as necessary in work associated
with making vessel alterations for the mission and the work
to return it to the TTPI in the same condition as received.
He will insure all trailers, equipment and supplies are
procured and loaded and that charges are proper and correctly
He will supply H&N with a manifest for billing
purposes and keep PASO apprised of problems and other relevant
matters on a continuing basis.

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