" gs , . atm §RMORE: LAWRENCE RADIATION LABORATORY ROOM: BLDG.: September 16, 1964 LABLE AVAI BEST COPY aey MEMORANDUM TO: General Administrative Distribution ~ Livermore SUBJECT: Travel Requests for Travel to PPG Formal requests for travel to PPG should be initiated at least two weeks prior to anticipated travel, on Form RL-121 "Request and Authorization for Official Travel". Form RL 121 distribution will be handled in.the usual manner, except that the white, yellow,blue and goldenrodcopies normally :sent’to the Business Services Department will be sent to the FieldServices Section, Room 1995 Bldg. i. O . oe : _ Security.‘Departinent clearance notification’ requirements may be disregarded: COR Field Services: Section willarrange security, clearance extensions and,badge