a fraction of one per cent of the fallout deposited in 1954.
Therefore the Redwing and Hardtack fallout are insignificant
when considering the long-range picture.

Selection of areas and reproducibility of repeated measurements

In March 1958, stakes were set out in various parts of
Rongelap islet in an attempt to provide a means of repeating
measurements at identical locations.

Stakes proved to be

unsatisfactory since they only served to attract the curious,
which resulted in trampling and disturbance of the areas and
in some cases removal of the stakes.

A practical solution to

this problem was to select general areas within which measurements were to be taken.
to pathways,

ThesSe areas were located with relation

roads, buildings,

and measured distances from

In each general area measurements were taken over

different types of vegetation, soil, the pathways themselves,
over litter, and under Pandanus trees and other tall plants.
In August 1958, the set of measurements was repeated three times
at Rongelap islet and twice at both Eniaetok and Kabelle islets.
At Rongelap islet the average for each set of readings ranged
from 0.046 to 0.067 mr/hr.

At Eniaetok the range of the aver-

age readings was 0.073 to 0.079 mr/hr and at Kabelle islet,

0.137 to 0.178 mr/hr.

Department of Energy
Historian’s Office

Select target paragraph3