| Lov,

3. ‘The capture —— so low that all counts were
Theaccuracy of A count is given by the formas |

7 ot i aear



9 @ Vinge REE


ay ef tee

” ghere Pe=
= poms errcr, No = ecunts due tc back ground of thecour:
= eccunts due tc the sample,

1EP Papi a

In making these nessurenent.

Nyeh2 = 200.

The back grcund cf the ccunters were anvrcxinately 20.

the pills’echtainine little cr no induced activity, were ecunted until
n this basis a samnle ecntaining 10 counts/min. abcve back rreund was

cunteste an necuracy of abcut 15% cnly (4.¢e. Pe & 15%).

In this re-

port it ts assumed that a vill heving 2 ecunt cf 1C ecunts/min. above
background hes nc significance, This places the iower linit cf neue

tron detection at 3 x 10? neutrons/en@,

The vills having 50 ecunts/nir

cr mere were countec with scme what greater accuracy,


The descripticns c? ilccasions cn benaré ships were frequently


Very cften the pills riaced cn exposed nositicns cn beard the

inadequate cr nct legible.


shins were blown eway by the blast, ‘cst results renresent the neutror
acesage in rositicns having unknown ancunts of shielding fror the cireet

neutrcn burst.


SR eran Zo maior SoMaerelamaamat
ber:2 emesis

ter and Ky

i, ‘Experimental Data

All pills were counted that were reecvere’ frer ships Lceated

within 800 yarcs «cf the estimated pcint cf cetonation, Only teken
pills were ecnnted from ships located frem 800 tc 1200 yards fren the
detcnaticn, All results of slow neutron measurements are given in
Teble I, No attempt his been race te analyze the cata cther than to

iccate the maximur reading chtained abcard each ship on an cverinyof
the target array (Fig.3%), Decry curves, shcwn in Fig. 1, gybstantinte the fact that the activity boing mensurad was fue tc P3e






2. The relrticnshin cf total sloneutrons tc distance is shcwn
in Table II, This table was ccmnilec by taking the highest: reading
obtained cn each ship as revresenting the neutren intensity at that
point with no regard fcr shiclding. “The distance fren that’“woint te.
the estinated reint cf detonation was mrensvred cff fren the map of thc

tarect array

These results show the fcllewin? neutrcn 11°BSo°

yarns. i "x 1022

x 104%

neutrens / en 2, at.600 yards 1 x 10*+,

and at 1000 yards abeut 3 x 107,


800 yards,

3.. fhe data in Table I ray give ecnsiderable infornation on :

. shielding effects when ecnsicere’d in ecnnecticn with elans cf the vare
-deus shins, No atterrt is made here tc evaluate the date with respect
tec shielding beenuse plans cf the shins were nct available. It is
apparent however that there are rather rypoat differences fn reasuree
ments taken in various places cn the ships, This is undcubtecly cue
.Jarecly to differences in distances frem the rcint cf detcneticr nnd



in part fo shieldine, The variance in results cn the Slate may be due

.,. in Laree reassure tc the fact |that water is a aged phielding 5eterial |
“) -agednst nentrons.

‘The cornte/nin, obtained from the sulphur nails ‘on the target
ghtps2mre given in Tabie IM, The calculation cf the neutren intene .



gities rill $eve tc wait until the capture ercssesecticn fcr sulphur
co asobtained,” However acnsicerrble fast neutren intensity TAS
indicate _



the Skate abcut 300 yards frem the burst,
aygenonctrated ‘ssTar ag the Tndependense,: Py


Select target paragraph3