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This documed reonsist of A
Cys. Series:

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The Asomle tnergy Comnlesion and tae DeparGasul of befeuie


iide@uienant weneral Cleood Xe Quesada, U.4\, conmsunde


at thea Combesion's «roevia: tround at imiwotok Atoll,


tests nas been successfully carrled out by Joint Task Foree 9



teday notified President Tranan that a program af atomlo weapons

IikeS, comgced of cersoncel from une AKG, Aruy, Kavy, Air foroe

and from educational aud ladas.rial organizations,

our, Alvin

Ce Graves of tae los Alancsa Selentifie Laboravor; is Setontifiea
Vewsty Comumnder of Jisad,


Ag previeasly announced, test eciiviiles et inlwetok are

under security redtricticque including taose of tie Abonio Energy


Informatioa oblained from research on sicloar ve.onatioiug,

the major p.rpess of tre teats, is acoret.

in Purncrance of

tae President's cireeitive ol January $1, ipso, the toe. orecram
istiudes eaperiments con rap. tine to Lhe cuielear wanpons reeuerone

Information on soveral projecte du Cleida of Blolecy,

Hedidlue and aadlelo.y «lll be declaselL Pied and orovidee to
apsrogrilate arvenelos of tae Governmedt wed redulie have been
analyged wand wralusiod,

dn¢ progras Aleo inciuces Go. sapreanenaive

reasareain, of blast and tLaorms@l eifecis oa atravtures, siroralt
and Varlous ather Liters,

dues of thls usta wili be daglassificd

var age Dy Bolu too tepartmeat of Valange mid ioe vederal Clyvil
Vefonse Agenoy.

Toe cata eblublned inuedade add: tlanal Luformation

af primary military value fa Loe field of weasone a) Teates

ies AEs


Select target paragraph3