Miltenberger to Stanley


September 19, 1979

In addition to his functions as spokesperson and disbursement officer
for medical related subsistence claims, Harry Brown contributed to our program
in many ways.
First, prior to August 16, he had engaged the services of
Reynold Debrum as intepreter during the Rongelap and Utirik segments of our
Reynold was very helpful because of his personality, his understanding
of our program and his status as an official representative of the Marshall
Islands government.
Secondly, Harry assisted us by working diligently on each island seeking
persons participating in the BNL whole body counting-bioassay program.
to his efforts, every possible attempt was made to meet our program requirements.
We greatly appreciated the skill and assistance rendered to us by Harry Brown.
Finally, we wish to acknowledge the outstanding cooperation and assistance
that we received from the Liktanur II management and crew.
While in Kwajalein,
the crew helped us to initiate our biocassay-whole body counting program by
constructing a gangplank for safe entry to the ship from Echo Pier and assisting
in the construction of the whole body counter.
While in the field, the crew
transported persons to and from the ship, erected a canopy over the exterior
waiting area, provided food and beverages to the Marshallese as they waited to
be whole body counted, and performed countless tasks which allowed our work
to progress quickly and efficiently.
A special note of gratitude is due Mr. Otterman.
Chuck spent the better
part of two days working with us to define an electronic problem with our a.c.
line conditioner.
The line conditioner could not be fixed aboard ship; consequently, we had to regulate manually the ship's power by turning off the below
deck air conditioners in order to minimize voltage fluctuations.
In addition,
Chuck spent considerable time on shore at each island trying to find persons
to participate in the bioassay-whole body counting program.
For all his efforts
and those of the crew, we are deeply appreciative.
This concludes the report on activities during R. V. Liktanur II Voyage
No. 7.
We believe that the trip was very successful and that the interactions
between persons from BNL, PASO and the Liktanur II were constructive and
We thank all parties for their participation and look forward
to future voyages.

eb WellLeaper

Robert P. Miltenberg
BNL Crew Chief-R. V. Liktanur II
Voyage No. 7

N. Greenhouse
A. Hull
H. Pratt
W. Weyzen
B. Wachholz


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