the plant.

So when w) had an snalysis made which determingd

the amounts of calcium which were sdubie and availuble to .
the plant, ve find thi. Sunshine units to be equal with the: |

level of the cocoanut: and things growing mthe island, - se te
ve have the total ecology as far os strontium 90 is
concerned balanced,

[t is in total agreement with the


total fallout as tested by the radint ion. intensity; ond: wes
find the same kind of disorimination factors opera ting whion’

operate in the rest cf the world, though av 4muck lower: -.
levol elsewhere,



We find the fish comfortadly low, for very good:

reason, of course, nimely, that the ocean dilutes these.”

In general, we have a feeling of certainty,


I think after repatriation we must continue to watch them,
Wea should take urine analysis every six months or a year
in order to seo how such strontium they have picked up, to So

be sure Wwe aro right, and I think we ought to make any

further masuromonts on tha strontium 90 contamination of

iskands which sees to be called for as time gees on,



We are now reviewing s pinn for

baving a continuous long time study of that atolil from
t total ecological :tandpoint,.

It is a rare opportunity,.

you see, because it bears on renotor hazarda and it bears
on FCDA and tt board on a host of very important things,





Be “e

Select target paragraph3