home and never will, puts some urganay into making «



We hive had a number of studies over the past few: - :

yoors in terms of the oxtexnal radiation hagard to the people
and this seems to beclearly minimel at the present tine.

The matter of strontium 90 hazard fros eating.
aontaminated food has been evoluated, and with an adequate...
supplement of uncontaminated rice to their dict, it ia our

feeling that these people will not sxceed the maxiaum


permissible body burdens laid down by the National Counittee. :

On Radiation Protection for the popttlation as a hole, —
that is, 100 Sunshine units,

I hope we have considered

that maybe these people don't want to be repatriated, .

DR, DUNHAM: They did when I was out there a year.”
ugo. They wanted very much to,

I have seen no evidence

‘hat thoy don't want to,

I would think with the passage


of time that feeling is likely to grow vecause they are
wards now,

to go back.

‘There ie no question cf their wanting

The question that the trunt territory vorrica

about is if they hold them much longer in this state were
they are literally doing nothing, iust existing, being
hend fed, as it weve -- it is quite a rugged life they lead
on those atolis, it, is a question ehether they would be


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