

b. Mark 7 (Implosion-type weapon, approximate outside

diameter 30 in., approximate weight 1,600 lbs.)

A new

model having improved fuzing 18 now being stockpiled.

ec, Mark 18 (Implosion-type bomb, outside diameter G1 in.,
approximateWeight 8,500 lbs,)
This weapon, described above,

is essentially the Mark 6 but incorporates changes required

by the special nuclear component and its nuclear safing.
20, DOD participation in non-nuclear weapon production.


preceding Progress Report described the President's action in
February 1953 which directed the Commission to authorize the DOD
to assume primary responsibility for the production of non-nuclear
components of gun-assembly-type weapons as mutually agreed upon.
More recently, the AEC and the BOD jeintily recommended to the
President that he direct the Commission to authorize the DOD to

assume responsibility for (1) the manufacture, production, or acquisition of such non-nucleaxy components of weapons utilizing implosion-type nuclear systems as may be mutually agreed upon and (2)
the custody of such non-nuclear components of the types for which
they assume production responsibility, as may be mutually agreed



New Weapon Facilties

21, Production,

The Rocky Flats Plant near Denver, Colorado,

for core fabrication,

inspection, and assembly has been completed

and is now in full operation.


<A special review of present and

projected HE plant capacity has been completed; based on this study
the Commission has e¢ancelled the construction ef the Svoon River

plant, near Macomb,

Ill., deseribec in the preceding Progress Report,

-~ le -

Part IIt

Select target paragraph3