
States law be articulated in the Compact.
Article VII, General Legal Provisions
Section 171.
This section terminates the application to the FAS
of any laws of the United States made applicable to the Trust
Tergitory of the Pacific Islands or any part thereof pursuant to
the Trusteeship Agremeent, unless they are specifically made
applicable by the Compact.

Section 172.
This section provides that citizens of the FAS not
residing in the United States shall be entitled to the same rights
and privileges as any other non-resident aliens and that they
shall be treated as "persons" within the meaning of the Administrative Procedures Act and of the Freedom of Information Act.
United States citizen who becomes a citizen of an FAS and who does
not renounce his United States citizenship would retain his United
States citizenship and continue to be entitled to the same rights
and privileges as any other United States citizen.
Section 173.
The United States and the FAS undertake positive
obligations to protect the programs, personnel, property and
facilities of the other which are connected with public and
official functions specified in the Compact or its related
Section 174.
Subsections (a) and (d), taken together, provide
that the FAS governments will be immune from jurisdiction of the
courts of the United States, and vice versa, except when the
defendant government is sued in connection with commercial
activities, personal injury, death or damage to or loss of
Subsections (b) and (c) of this section set forth the
procedure for payment of claims against the Trust Territory
Government or the United States arising from acts or omissions of
either such government prior to the effective date of the Compact.
All unpaid judgments against the Trust Territory Government or the
United States entered prior to the effective date of the Compact,
or settlements reached, will be paid by the United States.
claims against the Trust Territory or United States which are not
resolved prior to the effective date of the Compact or which arise
afterwards, will be adjudicated in the courts of the FAS, but any
judgment of those courts will be presented for certification to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit which
shall order payment of such judgment, unless it is manifestly
erroneous in law or fact, or is manifestly excessive.
In this
latter situation, that court shall have jurisdiction to modify the
Section 175.
This section provides for the negotiation of
separate agreements regarding extradition, mutual assistance in
law enforcement and transfer of prisoners.
These agreements shall

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