
United States unilaterally determines to be incompatible with its
security and defense authority and responsibility.

In addition,

access to the freely associated states by military forces of any

third country will be denied, except as agreed to by the United
States, and the United States pledges to defend and protect the
Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands as the

United States and its own citizens are defended.


agreements referred to in Article II of Title Three provide for
continued United States use,

for thirty years, of the civilian

contractor-operated Kwajalein Missile Range in the Marshall

They also will regulate the status of United States

forces in the area.

Of special importance are the agreements, authorized by
Compact Section 354, which extend indefinitely the right of the
United States to deny entry into the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands to the military forces of other

nations and the responsibility of the United States to defend the
Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands from

external threat to their freedom and territorial integrity.

I can

assure the Congress that the United States defense and land use
requirements were carefully considered throughout many years of

negotiation, are critical to the maintenance of our strategic
position in the Pacific and are a vital component in our ability
to guarantee the preservation of regional stability and peace.

Title Four of ‘the Compact describes the administrative

Select target paragraph3