
States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands.

While I do not

seek enactment of these agreements, I note their importance in
elaborating many of the terms of the Compact.

With the proposed

Joint Resolution, I am also enclosing a section-by-section
anafysis in order to facilitate your consideration of the
Compact's terms.

In this letter, I invite your attention to the division of
the Compact into four major titles.

Title One describes and

regulates the general governmental relations between the United
States and the freely associated states.

It recognizes the

self-governing status of the peoples of the Federated States of
Micronesia and the Marshall Islands and the competencies of their
duly elected governments.

The provisions in Title One concerning

immigration, representation, environmental

protection and general legal matters prescribe terms generally
equivalent to those already in effect under the Trusteeship.
Title One will result in a complete cessation in the application
of United States laws to the freely associated states, except for
those laws specifically made applicable in the Compact.


this title contains a provision for the settlement of all claims
arising out of the nuclear weapons testing program conducted by
the United States in the Marshall Islands between 1946 and 1958.

Title Two of the Compact will authorize the appropriation of
fifteen years of direct grant assistance to each of the freely


associated states and will authorize certain federal agencies to

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