~3. to self-determination they have, through their freely-expressed
wishes, adopted Constitutions appropriate to their particular
circumstances; and
Recognizing their common desire to terminate the Trusteeship
and establish three new government~-to-government relationships
each of which is in accordance with a new political status based
on the freely-expressed wishes of peoples of the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands and appropriate to their particular
circumstances; and

Recognizing that the peoples of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands have and retain their sovereignty and their
sovereign right to self-determination and the inherent right to

adopt and amend their own Constitutions and forms of government

and that the approval of the entry of their respective Governments
into this Compact of Free Association by the peoples of the Trust

Territory of the Pacific Islands constitutes an exercise of their
sovereign right to self-determination;

NOW, THEREFORE, AGREE to enter into relationships of free
association which provide a full measure of self-government for

the peoples of the Marshall ‘Islands and the Federated States of
Micronesia; and

FURTHER AGREE that the relationships of free association
derive from and are as set forth in this Compact; and that, during
such relationships of free association, the respective rights and
responsibilities of the Government of the United States and the

Governments of the freely associated states of the Marshall
Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia in regard to these
relationships of free association derive from and are as set forth
in this Compact.

Select target paragraph3