

J. Resolution

In the House of Representatives



In the United States Senate


To approve the "Compact of Free Association", and for other
Whereas the United States is the administering authority of
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands under the terms of the
Trusteeship Agreement for the former Japanese Mandated Islands
entered into by the United States with the Security Council of the
United Nations on April 2, 1947, and approved by the United States
on July 18, 1947; and

Whereas the United States, in accordance with the Trusteeship
Agreement, the Charter of the United Nations and the objectives of
the international Trusteeship system, has promoted the development
of the peoples of the Trust Territory toward self-government or
independence as appropriate to the particular circumstances of the

Trust Territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes of
the peoples concerned; and
Whereas the United States, in response to the desires of the
peoples of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall
Islands expressed through their freely-elected representatives and
by the official pronouncements and enactments of their lawfully
constituted governments, and in consideration of its own obligations under the Trusteeship Agreement to promote self-determination, entered into political status negotiations with representatives of the peoples of the Federated States of Micronesia,
and the Marshall Islands; and

Whereas these negotiations resulted in the "Compact of free
Association" which, together with its related agreements, was
signed by the United States and by the the Federated States of ©
Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands on October 1,
1982 and June 25, 1983, respectively; and
Whereas the Compact of Free Association was approved by .

majorities of the peoples of the Federated States of Micronesia
and the Marshall Islands in United Nations-observed plebiscites

conducted on June 21, 1983 and September 7, 1983, respectively;

Select target paragraph3